Extended Care


The Extended Care Program at Whitefield Academy is a service offered to Whitefield Academy families to provide care for their children after the school day ends.  Enrollment is not required for Whitefield Academy students unless care is needed. 

If you are interested in the enrolling your student(s) in the program, please review the program information and complete the attached application.  An enrollment fee of $20.00 is required for each student yearly; with the maximum family cost of $60.00.  This is not refundable.  

  • There is only a morning care fee for preschool students, not K-12 students.


Morning Care 1-2 days  $5 per day per child 
Morning Care 3-5 days  $15 per week per child 
After School 1-3 days  $20.00 per day per child 
After School 4 or 5 days  $70.00 a week per child 


A family discount of $10.00 per week is offered to families with at least 2 children attending after school care full-time. Each additional child after the second is $20.00 a week.
*No discount for morning care.*

Morning Care
Morning Care begins at 7:15.  Your preschooler may bring breakfast, but the school does not provide breakfast.  We will provide milk for preschoolers in morning care.  Preschoolers will have free play until classrooms open at 7:45.  If your child arrives before 7:45, they will be signed into Morning Care. 

There is not a fee for K-12 students utilizing Morning Care. K-12 students will be in the cafeteria where there are food options to buy for breakfast.

Hours of Operation
Extended Care begins at 3:00 p.m. and ends at 5:45. If your child is involved in any after-school activities and then reports to Extended Care, they must do so immediately following the dismissal of the activity.  The child must go to the preschool office to check in with the Extended Care Coordinator before going to class.  East Campus bus riders must go immediately to their area assigned, when getting off the bus. 

Late Penalty
A late penalty of $1.00 per minute per student will be assessed to anyone who is picked up after 5:45 p.m.  A student will be dismissed from the program if this occurs on a regular basis.  

Sign in and Sign Out

Extended Care- Preschool – 5th grade 
Only adults listed on the application or in the FACTS program will be allowed to pick up.  If you need someone else to pick up your student, please call the office or e-mail the Assistant Preschool Director and the Extended Care Coordinator.  We will ask for the identification of anyone picking up any child, at any time. 

If, for any reason, we feel that the adult coming to pick up a student is unable to provide proper care for the student, we will contact someone else on the contact list.  If no one else is able to pick up the student, we will call law enforcement. 

Fegenbush Campus
Persons picking up will come to Preschool Entrance #8.  Please ring the doorbell. Please, also have your photo ID with you the first few times you pick up as we learn new faces and names. All students must be signed out on their grade level clipboard with the teacher each day. Office personnel will assist you, if your child is not in the classroom but in another area of the building or on the playground. 


The student sign-out sheet is used to verify student attendance and to ensure that each family is billed properly.  Payments are due weekly unless you set up an alternative payment schedule with the Extended Care Coordinator. Payments may be made via Family Portal, or by cash/check in the preschool office. Emailed reminders of payment due will be sent on a regular basis. ACH payments made online are of no charge to the school or the family. Accounts that are more than 30 days behind may result in temporary suspension from the program (students unable to attend) until payment is caught up. 

We are more than happy to give you a statement on your account for flexible spending accounts.  Please allow us 2-3 business days to complete these.  


Students are to follow the same guidelines for discipline that they follow in the school day at Whitefield Academy.  All of the behavior/discipline regulations found in the Parent/Student Handbook are applicable, including suspension or expulsion from the Extended Care program.  If a student does not adhere to the guidelines established, the incident will be handled by the Extended Care Coordinator. If the issue is severe, then the grade level principal will assist in handling the issue. If the issue persists and/or is severe, suspension or expuslion from the Extended Care Program may be recommended in accordance with the Whitefield Academy Parent/Student Handbook.

Early Dismissal/ School Delays

If for any reason Whitefield Academy is on a delayed schedule, there will be no morning care on that day.  If school closes early for bad weather, the Extended Care Program will close, and parents will be notified.   

Please prepare ahead of time and be prepared for school closings.  If Whitefield Academy is closed, the Extended Care Program is also closed. 

Contact Numbers for both Extended Care Programs:

Fegenbush Campus- 502-239-3359  

East Campus- 502-254-9593 


Extended Care Application 2025-2026


The Whitefield Difference

Families are realizing the ineffectiveness of challenging their children scholastically without strengthening them spiritually. Whitefield Academy families reap the benefits that come from high academic standards based on strong Biblical principles.

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