“The key distinctive of a truly Christian education … is the effective practice of worldview integration, that is, an approach to biblical integration that leads to a Christian worldview.”
- Martha MacCullough
Whitefield Academy is a private, Christian, co-educational school founded in 1976. The school, located in Louisville, KY, is a ministry of Highview Baptist Church and has served families in the surrounding Highview area for over forty years. The school's passion is its focus on Kingdom Education which ensures a curriculum based around the centrality of the gospel.
Whitefield Academy is a PreK–12 school with over 750 students and 70 full-time faculty members. Because of a small student-to-faculty ratio (14:1) students are able to connect with credentialed faculty members. This provides our students with a more focused instructional experience, direct individualized support and greater opportunities for developing confidence in the areas of spiritual maturity and academic success.
Whitefield is accredited by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI), Cognia and is certified by the Kentucky Board of Education through the Kentucky Non-Public Schools Commission.
Whitefield Academy began in 1976 in Louisville, KY as a ministry of Highview Baptist Church. Known as Highview Baptist Christian School, the school offered families educational opportunities for grades K-8. Highview Baptist Christian School, while holding to an evangelistic model of education, grew in size and influence.
- 1988: Grades 9-12 (High School) was added, as well as additional opportunities for students including athletics, music, and drama.
- 1988: The school’s name was changed to Highview Baptist School.
- 1997: The school’s mission, vision, and philosophy were redefined and its purpose was changed to reflect a discipleship model of education.
- 2003: The school became known as Whitefield Academy
- 2004: Accreditation became a characteristic of Whitefield Academy. Over the next several years, Whitefield developed ACSI recognized ‘blue ribbon’ programs, which continue as part the school’s programming today.
Mission Statement
The mission of Whitefield Academy is to serve Christian families by providing a Christ-centered, Biblically-based education marked by academic excellence and spiritual vitality.
Vision Statement
The vision of Whitefield Academy is to produce powerful and effective student leaders who will impact their world through Biblical thought and action in obedience to the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) and the Great Commandment (Mark 12:30-31).
Whitefield Academy fosters intellectual, moral, spiritual and social development consistent with a commitment to Christian truth, morals and freedom which has been provided by our Creator (Jn 1:3). Because Biblical objective truth directs the learning at Whitefield Academy we reject relativism and secularism that accompany political, ideological or philosophical agendas. Therefore, intellectual inquiry affirms the answers that Christianity offers. The ethical absolutes of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17) and Christ's moral teachings guide the effort to develop intellect and character in the classroom, chapel, and co-curricular activities. While many points of view may be examined, Whitefield Academy unapologetically advocates preservation of a uniquely Christian worldview.
Further, Whitefield Academy accepts its role as an institution of academic learning and instruction which serves as a ministry of Highview Baptist Church. This association exists to enhance the following:
- Education is focused on truth, of which God is the ultimate source. He reveals himself to us in nature; in his Son; and in the Bible, the only inerrant, authoritative, and sufficient rule for faith and practice (Heb. 1:1-3; 2 Tim. 3:16,17).
- The Lordship of Christ and the sovereignty of God are all-inclusive; therefore all areas of life and learning are regarded as sacred (Rom. 11:36; 1 Cor. 10:31b)
- Christian education is the result of all knowledge being tested against, and integrated with, a biblically based view of God and the world (2 Cor. 10:4b-5; John 1:3).
- The primary responsibility for the education of children rests with parents (Dt. 6:7,8; Genesis 17:7; Prov. 22:6). However, the Christian school and the church provide complementary roles in educating students for lives of fellowship with God and service to others (Dt. 11:18; Ps. 78:4).
- The Christian teacher, empowered by the Holy Spirit, guides and nurtures students through instruction, admonition and personal example. The Christian teacher is a Living Curriculum that models and encourages students in academic, social and spiritual growth (Col. 1:28; Prov. 1:7).
- God reveals himself to students through revelation, both general and special. Through general revelation students learn of God and His world (Acts 14:17; Rom. 1:18-20). Special revelation and regeneration are regarded as essential components of Christian education because a personal relationship with Jesus Christ provides students with the ability to view life from a Biblical perspective (1 Cor. 2:14).
- All students are created by God with unique talents as well as particular developmental growth patterns. Therefore, the learning process is enhanced as teachers utilize varied teaching strategies and instructional environments (Ps. 139:13-15; Rom. 12:4-8).
- Excellence in the quality of education offered to children brings glory to God and provides a compelling witness to our neighbors (Phil. 1:9-11).
- The goal of Christian education is to develop students who will serve God and affect their community and the world by thinking and acting biblically in all aspects of life (Rom. 12:2).
- Orthodoxy and orthopraxy cannot be divided; therefore student speech and action must bring honor to Jesus Christ so that the students will be able to give reason for the hope which they have in Christ Jesus (2 Tim. 2:15; 1 Pet. 3:15).
Core Values
- Centrality of the Christian faith. Whitefield Academy believes that the Bible is the final authority for the Christian relating to matters of faith and practice. We believe in the virgin birth, sinless life, substitutionary atonement and imminent return of our Lord Jesus Christ. These beliefs are foundational to all activities related to the ministry of Whitefield Academy (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
- Compassion and respect for all people. Whitefield Academy believes each individual is uniquely created by God and endowed with specific gifts and abilities. These gifts and abilities, encourage mutual respect, promote Christian love and provide motivation to resolve conflict in a peaceable and Biblical manner (Matthew 18:15-35).
- Commitment to family values. Whitefield Academy exists to serve Christian families in the process of education. As such, the school is supportive of family issues and concerns. We exist to strengthen the family through a balanced educational program that considers the academic and relational needs of the family (Psalm 127).
- Consistent focus on scholastic excellence. Whitefield Academy is a college preparatory program (Preschool-12) with a challenging academic curriculum as well as a comprehensive extracurricular program that allows each student to pursue academic excellence while developing spiritual, physical, social and intellectual disciplines. We intend to produce students who lead by example and impact the world for Jesus Christ (2 Timothy 2:15).
- Community involvement. Whitefield Academy promotes citizenship and community involvement through school-wide benevolence ministries and community service programs (Matthew 5:13-16).
- Caring attitude of servanthood. Whitefield Academy is dedicated to serving the needs of our parents, students, faculty and staff. Furthermore, we recognize that these persons are the keys to the school's success (Matthew 20:25-28).
- Careful stewardship of all resources. Whitefield Academy is committed to responsible management of the time, talent and treasure entrusted to us by our Creator God (Matthew 25:14-29).
Whitefield Academy’s ESOs describe the goals envisioned by the faculty for our students and graduates. Our goal is partnering with the home to play a significant role in a student’s personal, academic, and spiritual formation. Rooted in our core values and supported by our philosophy of education, our prayer is that each Whitefield Wildcat would strive to develop his or her heart, mind, soul, and strength in the pursuit of love for the Lord Jesus Christ. (Mark 12:30)
- Mind
- Critical Thinker – A Whitefield Wildcat strives to seek truth and apply wisdom through critical thinking and a life-long pursuit of knowledge (Prov. 18:15, Prov. 9:9-10). Armed with active learning skills and curiosity, a Wildcat is prepared for success in college or any path the Lord leads.
- Academic Excellence – A Whitefield Wildcat seeks academic excellence with resilience and perseverance (2 Tim. 2:15). As a member of a learning community, a Wildcat engages cultural challenges with Truth, grace, and love that inspires others to grow (Col. 3:23-24, 2 Tim. 2:15).
- Innovative Learner – A Whitefield Wildcat uses their God-given skills to inspire creativity and excellence. With an eternal perspective (Col. 3:1-2), a Wildcat boldly innovates in ways that point to the Great Designer (Eph. 2:10).
- Heart
- Authentic Discipleship – A Whitefield Wildcat faithfully follows Jesus and responds to life and relationships with the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-25). In a committed relationship with Jesus, a Wildcat shows grace and embraces a lifestyle of evangelism and discipleship (Matt. 28:19-20).
- Biblical Worldview – A Whitefield Wildcat views the world through the framework of Scripture as universal Truth as it relates to all areas of life (2 Tim. 3:16-17). There is a commitment to apply the teachings of Christ which transform all aspects of life (Titus 2:7-8).
- Kingdom Purpose – A Whitefield Wildcat understands their identity is in Christ and aspires to live a dynamic life that impacts the kingdom of God by reflecting His compassion and character. A Wildcat pursues their life’s calling as part of God’s eternal design (Col. 1:10-11, Rom. 12:1-2).
- Soul and Strength
- Servant Leader – A Whitefield Wildcat seeks to love as Christ loved the world, serving others with humility and integrity. A Wildcat leads with steadfast commitment to Christ while valuing others’ opinions and experiences, ultimately living out God’s plan for their lives (Mark 10:45, Phil. 2:3-11).
- Responsible Steward – A Whitefield Wildcat discovers and cultivates their God-given talents through relationships, service, academics, arts, and/or athletics (Prov. 3:9). A Wildcat serves joyfully and creativity with their time and talents (1 Peter 4:10, Matt. 25:21).
- Community Minded – A Whitefield Wildcat encourages and values others, advocates for those in need, and acknowledges that all humanity bears the image of God (Gen. 1:27). Equipped with a local and global mindset, a Wildcat is prepared to bear the burdens of others and promote compassion and peace (Col. 3:12-15, Gal. 6:2, Phil. 2:3).