Whitefield Academy Counseling Office’s overall goal is to support and enrich the mission statement of the school at all grade levels. At the elementary level this is accomplished by working with the staff, parents, and students in areas of spiritual, academic, emotional, and physical development. In middle school, the same areas are valued and enriched. This is developed through encouraging their relationships with God, others, and self. For high school, students continue in their academic, personal, and social/emotional development, but the focus shifts to preparing for God’s calling in their lives. The focus is on preparing students for college and career readiness along with aiding students and parents in this transition.
Graduation Requirements
Students at Whitefield Academy are required to take courses that meet the State guidelines for pre-college curriculum. These courses are designed for students to take while in high school which will assist them in gaining admission into college and being successful in the completion of college course work. Students must have a total of 26 credits in order to receive a Whitefield Academy Diploma.
Testing Opportunities
Whitefield Academy’s Counseling Office offers ACT/SAT test prep services through classroom instruction, the Method Test Prep program, test preparation workshops, and test preparation materials. Please visit www.actstudent.org for information, dates, and deadlines for the ACT test and www.collegeboard.com for information, dates, and deadlines for the SAT test.
There are numerous testing opportunities provided to students at Whitefield Academy.
Whitefield Academy High School students are given access to the Method Test Prep ACT/SAT Preparation Program, free of charge, that they can access at anytime. Method Test Prep is a web-based, self-paced program, which offers audio, video, and written explanations to cover all concepts on the ACT and SAT. The program includes lessons, quizzes, thousands of test prep questions, and two full-length practice ACT and SAT exams. High School teachers incorporate the Method Test Prep program into classroom curriculum to provide accountability and ensure consistency of use. Furthermore, 9th and 10th grade students will take a full-length practice ACT through the Method Test Prep program at Whitefield Academy during the school day.
PSAT/NMSQT stands for Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. The PSAT/NMSQT is a standardized test that provides first-hand practice for the SAT. It also qualifies students for the National Merit Scholarship Corporation's (NMSC) scholarship programs. Whitefield Academy students take the PSAT/NMSQT during their 10th and 11th grade years.
The PSAT/NMSQT measures:
- verbal reasoning skills
- critical reading skills
- math problem-solving skills
- writing skills
For more information visit www.collegeboard.com.
The ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) is a multi-aptitude test which Whitefield Academy students take in the spring of their 11th grade year to assist with career development. Students are provided an Exploring Careers workbook which explores over 200 occupations. The ASVAB is also a valuable assessment tool for students interested in pursuing a military career.
For more information visit www.goarmy.com
Terra Nova Achievement Test
Students in grades K-9 participate in Terra Nova Achievement Testing each spring. TerraNova3™, ACSI Edition, features the TerraNova 3 Complete Battery; a carefully researched selected-response test that reflects today’s challenging standards for content and performance. It is designed to measure concepts, processes, and objectives taught throughout the nation in reading, language, mathematics, science, and social studies.
TerraNova 3, Third Edition Complete Battery provides detailed diagnostic information. This series of assessments generates precise norm-referenced achievement scores, a full complement of criterion-referenced objective mastery scores, and performance-level information.

Mrs. Jolene Wheatley, Elementary & Middle School Counselor
The goal of the K-8 School Counseling Program is to focus on teaching students preventative skills through regular classroom guidance lessons. These lessons seek to integrate Christian principles and Biblical truths. Our program looks to cultivate spiritual growth and empower students to cope with school, family and social issues while enhancing academic performance.
I feel privileged to be allowed to work with your student during such formative years and am hopeful to make a positive impact in their lives.

Mrs. Christina Schwindel, High School Counselor
In High School, the School Counseling Program is passionate about helping students identify their God-given gifts and abilities and equipping students for success at the postsecondary level. Academic, emotional and social development during the High School years is important to us, as well as focusing on college and career readiness for each student.
I am so excited to partner with your family throughout your student’s High School career!
- Christina